Assorted Aluminum Electrolytic Axial Capacitor 40-piece Kit - 10 Values

Assorted Aluminum Electrolytic Axial Capacitor Kit - 10 Values
Price: $25.00

This is the Assorted Aluminum Electrolytic Axial Capacitor Kit. This set includes capacitance values ranging from 1uF to 6300uF. And with voltages ranging from 6.3v to 250v.

The caps include 85 degC & 105 degC caps. They are all Axial, which means that one lead comes out of each end. You will get an assortment of Caps with at least 10 different values and a total of 40 Aluminum Electrolytic Axial Capacitors. All brand new parts. We supply the parts, you supply the ingenuity.