Club Kit - QRP Pixie CW Transceiver Kit (10 Sets)
This is the NightFire Electronics version of the very popular Club Kit - QRP Pixie CW Transceiver Kit (10 Sets) . It is an upgraded version of the classic "PIXIE 4" low-power transceiver. The oscillator is crystal controlled with a little room for tweeking via a silicon diode being used as a psuedo varactor diode. This gives you some wiggle room. The transmitter will put out 360mWatts into a 50-Ohm load with a clean 12vdc input. The receiver works by using the output transistor as a mixer/detector and feeds the received signal into an LM386 Audio Amplifier. This will feed an 8 Ohm, 1watt speaker nicely. The Keyer is a switch to ground. The picture shows a simple push-button in its place, instead, it will come with a 2-pin screw terminal. 2-pin screw terminals are used for power input, Antenna output, Keyer input, and Audio Output. The PCB size is 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches. Double-sided, .062" with Plated-Thru-Holes. The bottom side is a good solid ground plane for RF noise reduction. This is a kit you have to put together. You will need the standard soldering tools and supplies to put it together.