Dual LED Ladder Sequencer Kit (#7333)
Price: $9.99
This is the Dual LED Sequencer. It consists of a dual row of LEDs that begin from the bottom and go to the top, one at a time, when the trigger is made. The speed of the LEDs is adjustable.
As long as the trigger switch is held, the LEDs will continue to cycle from bottom to top and start again. You can add this to your Laser Blaster or other cosplay future laser gun.
Choose the color of LEDs you want, the default color is Red. You can also combine different color LEDs.
The PCB is 3.5" long x 1.6" wide. This is a kit, you will need soldering tools and supplies to put it together.
This kit is also offered as a Built & Tested for those that do not want to build the kit themselves.