Laser Pointer Relay Kit, 9v
This is the Laser Pointer Activated Relay Kit. This is an interesting and extremely useful device. This is a Relay activated by those little Red Laser Pointers that you can find anywhere for a couple of dollars. The circuit has a sensitivity adjustment so that you can use it outdoors or indoors. It has been designed to work off of the common Laser Pointers found everywhere and will work with Red, Green, Blue, and White Lasers, LEDs, & Lights.
This device can be set up to turn on just about any device from about anywhere in your home or office without you having to move. Just point the Laser at the light-sensitive resistor and the circuit will turn on for an adjustable time period, anywhere from 1 second up to an hour. After the adjustable time period is up, the Relay will turn itself off and wait for the next Laser trigger.
There are two LED indicators on the PCB, one that will turn on anytime the Laser Pointer hits the LDR and one that will come on while the Relay is energized. This circuit has many uses including easy access for those that are not able to move about so easily. Think of the possibilities: Remote Control from a Laser Pointer. The Relay is an 833H or JS-1 series SPDT relay with Form 1C contacts rated for 7 Amps @ 250VAC. It has a 9VDC coil. The Relay contacts are available as .250" quick disconnect Faston connectors. The available contacts are the Common, NO (Normally Open) and NC (Normally Closed). This means that the circuit can either turn a device ON for a set time period or turn a device OFF for a set time period.
The PCB is double-sided, plated thru-holes, 3.00" long x 1.50" wide made of .062" FR-4 epoxy glass with 1-oz copper. It has green Solder Mask (LPI) on both sides with white Silk Screen on the Top side. It includes four mounting holes. The PCB traces for the Relay outputs are extra-wide on Top and Bottom sides for current-carrying capabilities.
This kit does not include the tools you will need to assemble the circuit. You will need tools such as a soldering iron, solder, wire cutters, etc. Because it can be purchased in many places for a dollar or two, this kit does NOT include the Laser Light Pointer that may be used to trigger the Timer.
This kit is also offered as a "Built & Tested" for those that do not want to build the kit themselves.
We supply the parts, you supply the ingenuity. You will get the following:
Type | Part Description | Quantity |
IC | LM311N, Single Voltage Comparator, DIP, 8-pin | 1 ea |
IC | LM555N, Precision Timer, DIP, 8-pin | 1 ea |
Transistor | 2N4401, NPN, Signal, TO-92 | 3 ea |
Diode | 1N4007, 1 Amp, 600V, Power, DO-41 | 2 ea |
PCB | Laser Relay PCB, NightFire | 1 ea |
Schematics | Laser Relay Circuit, NightFire | 1 ea |
Instructions | Basic Components ID | 1 ea |
Resistor | 100 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film | 1 ea |
Resistor | 330 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film | 1 ea |
Resistor | 390 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film | 1 ea |
Resistor | 470 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film | 1 ea |
Resistor | 1.0K Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film | 2 ea |
Resistor | 2.7K Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film | 1 ea |
Resistor | 3.3K Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film | 1 ea |
Resistor | 10K Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film | 2 ea |
Resistor | 68K Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film | 1 ea |
Resistor | Light Dependent Resistor | 1 ea |
Capacitor | .01uF, 50v, X7R, Ceramic Disc | 1 ea |
Capacitor | .1uF, 50v, X7R, Ceramic Disc | 3 ea |
Capacitor | 2.2uF, 16v, 85° C, Aluminum, Radial | 1 ea |
Capacitor | 33uF, 16v, 85° C, Aluminum, Radial | 1 ea |
Capacitor | 47uF, 16v, 85° C, Aluminum, Radial | 1 ea |
LED | RED, PCB Mount | 2 ea |
Potentiometer | 47K, Single-Turn, Thru-Hole, PCB Mount | 1 ea |
Potentiometer | 47K, Single-Turn, Thru-Hole, PCB Mount | 1 ea |
Connector | Faston, Quick Disconnect, .250" | 3 ea |
Relay | 833H series, 125VAC, 7Amp, PCB Mount | 1 ea |