LED Red & Blue Police Lights Sequencer/Chaser Kit

Price: $15.99


This is the LED Red & Blue Police Sequencer #1 Kit. This is a neat circuit that has 8 Red and 8 Blue LEDs . It starts by having 2 LEDs on one side and 2 LEDs on the opposite side light up. Then they begin rotating in a counter-clockwise  pattern. This gives a great optical display simulating a Police flashing lights event.


There are 16 jumbo, 10mm LEDs driven by a PIC Microprocessor.

 You can remote the LEDs to get your own special effects. Try putting in different colors of LEDs for even greater effects. This kit will come with a set of 16 LEDs.

This kit is also offered with a "Built & Tested" option for those that do not want to build the kit themselves.

The round PCB is double-sided, plated thru-hole, 3.1" around and made of .062" FR-4 epoxy glass. It has a white Solder Mask (LPI) on both sides with black Silk Screen lettering on the Top side. It includes one mounting hole. This kit does not include the tools you will need to assemble the circuit. You will need tools such as a soldering iron, solder, wire cutters, etc.