LED Sequencer/Chaser Kit - (10 Sets) (#4448)

LED Sequencer/Chaser Kit
LED Sequencer/Chaser KitLED Sequencer/Chaser KitLED Sequencer/Chaser KitLED Sequencer/Chaser Kit
Price: $99.99

This is 10 sets of the LED Sequencer #1 Kit. This is a neat circuit that lights up 10 LEDs in sequence. There are a bunch of youtube videos out there showing this same circuit. The circuit includes an adjustment for speeding up or slowing down the LEDs. Use this in a bunch of different places.

You will get 10 sets of these kits. Great for classrom or club projects. This is an excellent project where you get to solder the parts then watch it do something neat.

You can remote the LEDs to get your own special effects. Try putting in different colors of LEDs for even greater effects. This kit will come with a set of 10 LEDs.

The PCB is double-sided, plated thru-hole, 1.50" long x 3.00" wide made of .062" FR-4 epoxy glass. It has Solder Mask (LPI) on both sides with white Silk Screen on the Top side. It includes 4 mounting holes. This kit does not include the tools you will need to assemble the circuit. You will need tools such as a soldering iron, solder, wire cutters, etc. 

Type Part Description Quantity
IC LM555N, Precision Timer, DIP, 8-pin 1 ea
IC CD4017BE, CMOS Decade Counter, DIP, 16-pin 1 ea
Transistor NPN, General Purpose, Signal, TO-92 10 ea
PCB LED Sequencer #1 PCB, NightFire 1 ea
Schematics LED Sequencer #1 Circuit 1 ea
Resistor 160 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, Carbon Film 10 ea
Resistor 750 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, Carbon Film 1 ea
Capacitor 0.1uF,  Ceramic Disc 3 ea
Capacitor 22uF, Aluminum, Radial 1 ea
LED Your choice of color 10 ea
Potentiometer 10K, Single-Turn, Thru-Hole 1 ea
Battery Clip 9V, Snap-type, 2 wires 1 ea


We now have a tutorial on how to assemble this kit. Enjoy! And Please be sure to Subscribe to our youtube channel for new kit releases and tutorials!