LM317LZ Adjustable Volt Reg Kit (#1375)

LM317LZ Adjustable Volt Reg Kit (#1375)
LM317LZ Adjustable Volt Reg
Price: $9.99

This is the LM317LZ Variable Voltage Regulator Design Kit with PCB. This kit includes the active components you will need to build several nice, voltage-regulated power supplies. Design several different output voltages to power your projects. It includes the very popular LM317LZ which is an adjustable, 3-Terminal, Voltage Regulator in a TO-92 package capable of supplying in excess of 100mA over an output voltage range of 1.2V to 37V. This voltage regulator is exceptionally easy to use and requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage. It employs internal current limiting, thermal shutdown, and safe-area compensation, making them essentially blow-out proof. The LM317LZ serves a wide variety of applications including local, on card regulation.

This device can also be used to make a programmable output regulator or as a precision current regulator. With high-current pass transistors, you can regulate a much higher current. The Application Notes are on the web at www.vakits.com. Included are enough 1/4 watt Carbon-Film Resistors, Aluminum & Ceramic Capacitors, Signal & Power & Zener & Schottky Diodes, NPN & PNP Transistors, Bridge Rectifier, Trimpots, LEDs, and some Electronic Hardware for your I/O Interface. To help you develop your circuits, you also get a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with 162 plated-thru holes spaced at .100". The PCB is 1.1" x 2.0" and is .062" thick.

There are enough different parts to enable you to design a wide range of output voltages. Search the web for incredible circuits to build. We supply the parts, you supply the ingenuity. You get the following:


Type Part Description Quantity
IC LM317LZ, 100mA, Adjustable Regulator, TO-92 6 ea
Transistor 2N4401, NPN, GP Amplifier, TO-92 2 ea
Transistor 2N4403, PNP, GP Amplifier, TO-92 2 ea
PCB NightFire, 162 Plated-thru Holes, Double-Sided, FR-4 1 ea
Diode 1N4001, 100V, 1Amp, Rectifier, Axial 5 ea
Diode 1N4002, 200V, 1Amp, Rectifier, Axial 5 ea
Diode 1N4004, 400V, 1Amp, Rectifier, Axial 5 ea
Diode 1N4007, 600V, 1Amp, Rectifier, Axial 5 ea
Thru-Hole Zener 1N749A, 4.3V, 1/2 Watt, Axial 5 ea
Thru-Hole Zener 1N4744, 15V, 1Watt, Axial 5 ea
Diode Bridge W02G, 1.0 Amp, 100V, Full-Wave Bridge 2 ea
Resistor 47 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 150 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 200 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 390 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 510 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 910 Ohms, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 1.6K, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 2.4K, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 10K, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 15K, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 24K, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 100K, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 160K, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 220K, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Resistor 470K, 1/4 Watt, 5%, Carbon Film 5 ea
Capacitor .01uF, 50v, X7R, Ceramic Disc 4 ea
Capacitor .1uF, 50v, X7R, Ceramic Disc 4 ea
Capacitor 4.7uF, 50v, 85° C, Aluminum, Radial 2 ea
Capacitor 10 uF, 16v, 85° C, Aluminum, Radial 2 ea
Capacitor 22uF, 16v, 85° C, Aluminum, Radial 2 ea
Capacitor 33uF, 10v, 105° C, Aluminum, Radial 2 ea
Capacitor 47uF, 25v, 85° C, Aluminum, Radial 2 ea
Capacitor 100uF, 25v, 105° C, Aluminum, Radial 2 ea
Capacitor 220uF, 16v, 85° C, Aluminum, Radial 2 ea
Capacitor 330uF, 10v, 85° C, Aluminum, Radial 2 ea
Trimpot 4.7K, Single-Turn, Thru-Hole, PCB Mount 1 ea
Trimpot 10K, Single-Turn, Thru-Hole, PCB Mount 1 ea
LED Dual, Red & Green, Diffused, 2 ea
LED Red, Diffused,  T 1 3/4 3 ea
LED Green, Diffused, T 1 3/4 3 ea
LED Amber, Diffused, T 1 3/4 3 ea
Header Male, 5-pin .100" Centers, Square Post, Breakable 1 ea