Morse Code CW Trainer Kit
This kit is designed to provide the CW operator with a means to receive CW signals so that they can practice receiving different CW messages at different rates. It also includes some operational options. It is microprocessor powered and has a 16-character, 2-line LCD display. This kit does not comes with a power supply nor an enclosure. The speaker shown is an option. You can use your own speaker or get ours.
The unit will operate with a DC Voltage ranging from 9vdc to 12vdc using less than 2 watts of power. It has a power Diode in series so that if applied power is reversed, it will NOT turn on and will not harm the circuit. It can also run with a 9v battery making it possible to use outside or other field uses.
You can apply power via a 2.5mm power jack with positive center or you can apply power using the 2-pin Screw Terminal. Either one will work just fine.
The Audio output is powered by an LM386 Audio Power Amplifier which puts out approximately ½ watt into 8 ohms. The output is available either thru the 3.5mm jack or a 2-pin Screw Terminal. The 3.5mm jack can be mono or stereo, both stereo outputs are tied together on the pcb. You can also feed the output to a more powerful amplifier to get much more sound into a room if you are using this in a classroom situation.
It can provide 100 different Morse Code words, phrases, or messages. Some are numbers, some are single words, some are phrases, some are random letters and numbers from 1 to 12 characters long, and some are punctuation symbols.
Allows you to select the word or phrase to be transmitted by turning a potentiometer. This pot value is displayed as “WD #” with the number of the word displayed. An attached Word List has each number and word. The program will keep looping and transmit the same message until it is changed via the Word pot. There is also a Random feature which will select a random word from the 100-phrase list. The Random number selected is also displayed on the LCD. Each time the program loops, a new Random word is selected.
Allows you to select the speed in Words Per Minute (WPM) to be used by turning a potentiometer. The minimum speed is 3 WPM and the maximum speed is 25 WPM. The LCD display will show you the speed. The program will keep looping and transmit at the same WPM rate until it is changed via the Speed pot. The new WPM speed selected is engaged when the current phrase is done being transmitted.
Allows you to go Random which will randomly select one of the phrases. When that message is sent, it will randomly select another message and so on. This option is not effective while in Scroll mode.
Gives a display of the Words Per Minute rate and the number of the phrase or word it will send out on the same display line. Refer to the Word List to see what the word is.
Gives you the option to see what word is being sent out or to hide the word. Hiding the word gives you the option to listen and determine what the message was without knowing what it is before it is sent out. This is good for individuals who want to use that function.
Allows you to select the time before it sends the next message. The option is a 3 second delay before the next message is sent or an 8 second delay. Your choice. The program will continually loop and keep sending messages until either reset or stopped.
Selects the time between letters that will be sent. The option is 4 time units or 10 time units. This is used to slow down the transmission rate between letters. Use the longer time units to when beginning and as you get better, shorten the time units. The time unit is dependent on the WPM rate. The lower the WPM, the longer the time unit.
Allows you to send the entire alphabet, a thru z, the numbers 0 thru 9, and four punctuation symbols by selecting the Scroll slide switch. The program will keep repeating this until reset or stopped. During the loop, the WPM may be changed, as well as, the Letter Delay time and the Phrase Delay time. The Random and Show switches are ineffective during this mode.
Allows you to reset the unit at any time and start over.
Allows you to set the LCD contrast.
Allows you to change the tone of the Twin-Tee Sinewave Oscillator to your liking. The center frequency is approximately 700 Hz and can vary some either up or down in frequency.