Motor PWM Solderless Breadboard Kit (with Motor) (#4187)

Motor PWM  Solderless Breadboard Kit
Price: $19.99

This is one of a series of Solderless Breadboard Kits that have been designed for a specific circuit. This one is for a PWM Motor Driver. This circuit will generate a PWM signal that is fed to a Transistor Motor Driver. PWM mode is acquired by going into Astable mode and varying the duty cycle via the potentiometer. The output can control a DC Motor from 5% to 95% ON. A small DC Motor is included with this kit.

This circuit has been designed around the LM555 Timer IC and is for experimenters who can read a schematic, there are no specific instructions for the layout.

Assembly Notes: No special layout concerns required. Do not exceed the current handling limits of TIP31C Power Transistor. Use a small DC Motor rated for the voltage you will use. Do not use a Motor with more than 1 Amp rating. Make sure the Diodes are placed correctly.

Variations: You can change C1 to change the PWM frequency. A stronger Transistor can drive bigger loads.

You will get all of the components to build the circuit, plus a Solderless Breadboard with wires, AND you will get a 162-Hole Prototype PCB so that after you breadboard the ciruit, you can build a permanent version.

You will need tools, such as wire cutters, soldering iron, solder, etc. This circuit will run off a 9v battery which is not supplied.