LED Cylon Flasher Kit (#2302)

LED Cylon Flasher Kit (#2302)
LED Cylon Flasher Kit (#2302)
Price: $7.99

This is the LED Cylon Flasher Kit (#2302) This fun kit consists of 5 LEDs that are controlled by a PIC Microprocessor, PIC12F509, in a fashion similar to the old "Cylon" style of LEDs going back and forth. The LEDs are directly driven by the microprocessor with one input switch. No programming is required, it is already programmed for the Cylon effect.

If you are a PIC programmer, this is an excellent and low-cost PIC12F5xx development PCB. It uses 5 of the I/O as outputs and uses GP3 as an input via the switch. The PIC12F509 is in an 8-pin IC Socket so you can remove it to program it to do anything you want.

The project can be built in one night. The LEDs can be assembled on the top-side or bottom-side of the PCB. This is to allow you to place it in an enclosure with just the LEDs sticking out. This kit will need a 9v Battery which is not included.

The PCB is 1.2" by 2.0" and is double-sided with plated thru-holes. It has soldermask on both sides and silkscreening on the both sides.

You will get the PCB, Schematics, General Instructions, and all of the components to build the circuit. You will need construction tools, such as a soldering iron, solder, etc which are not provided.

Please note:  A new updated version will be sent.  It is slightly bigger and Blue PCB.  Will be posting a picture soon.


Here is a DEMO of the Kit working: