SMT LED Blinky Kit (#2157)

SMT LED Blinky Kit
SMT LED Blinky KitSMT LED Blinky KitSMT LED Blinky KitSMT LED Blinky Kit
Price: $6.99


This is the SMT LED Blinky Kit. This neat hobby project produces an alternating LED sequence through a two-transistor Multivibrator (Flip-Flop) circuit. Each leg has its own SMT adjustment to provide different timing effects. Please be sure to select a color for the kit or the default will automatically set as RED!

This is a Surface Mount Technology (SMT) kit. The circuit has been designed for SMT LEDs.

The PCB is double-sided, plated thru-hole, 1.20" long x 2.20" wide made of .062" FR-4 epoxy glass. It has green Solder Mask (LPI) on both sides with white Silk Screen on the Top side and four mounting holes.

This kit is also offered as a "Built & Tested" for those that do not want to build the kit themselves.

This kit does not include the tools you will need to assemble the circuit. You will need tools such as a soldering iron, solder, wire cutters, etc.  

The kit includes all of the parts and a PCB. There is a detailed General Assembly Instructions, Schematics, Parts List, Datasheets and SMT Tutorial in our Blister Pack Kit section.